Member-only story
Color Outside The Lines, Sometimes

I don’t claim to be a card-carrying expert on life and all of the mysteries in it, but as a person with tons of anxiety and regular experiences with bouts of elevated feelings of depression — I’m beginning to understand that managing life is sometimes a matter of coloring outside of the lines.
Speaking to the aforementioned anxiety I suffer from periodically, I attempt to keep it all in check by literally — keeping it all in check.
Yeah, I said it: I’m controlling.
Not in a malevolent way…but because of insecurity and fear. A fear of any and every unwanted outcome I can think of being possible, so I attempt to subvert it by planning for it and being “prepared.” However, living a life of always trying to color between the lines has made for a life of more tension and worry and feeling like complete sh*t some days.
Which leads to my point: yes, we need the lines to maintain some resemblance of the bigger picture, but it’s ok to step out of bounds every once in a while. It took me going thru it myself to realize that you can do every fcking thing within the slightest range of your power to have things go your way — and they still end up going the opposite direction.
So don’t be so stringent on yourself or focused on “doing the right thing.” Find a peace by finding a balance and color outside of the lines, sometimes.